Video Credits: Coach Girls, Instagram: @Coach.Girls, Facebook: @CoachGirlsBasketball, TikTok: @Coach.Girls, Website:
Coaching Objective
Skill Level: Beginner, Skill Development: Ball Handling and Control. Improve your ball handling & change of direction. Often we need to quickly change direction due to a defender pressing up. We need to be able to move quickly, protect the ball and give ourselves space and time to make a decision on what we do next e.g. change direction, drive, pass or shoot.

Drill Instructions
- Start in Triple Threat position.
- Push dribble the ball out with your right hand for 3-5 bounces.
- Then quickly cross the ball from your right hand to your left hand, keeping the ball low to help protect the ball from the defender.
- Pivot your front foot (right) and slide your left foot back 90 degrees.
- Dribbling with your left hand, retreat back keeping the ball protected behind you. Keep your right hand up as a guard.
- Retreat back for 3 to 5 bounces.
- Then repeat the above on your left side. Dribble the ball out on your left hand for 3-5 bounces. You will cross over from left to right hand and pivot your front foot (left) and slide your right foot back 90 degrees. Then retreat. Then retreat keeping your left hand up as a guard.
Coaching Messages
- Stay low and be explosive on the retreat.
- Keep your armbar (guard) out as you retreat dribble.
- Change direction as quickly as you can.
- Keep your eyes up!
- Control your Retreat and Be Awesome!
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