Video Credits: Coach Girls, Instagram: @Coach.Girls, Facebook: @CoachGirlsBasketball, TikTok: @Coach.Girls, Website:
Coaching Objective
Skill Level: Beginner, Skill Development: Shooting. This is a beginners guide to practice and develop your jump shot. Great basketball shooters are made, not born. Besides talent, a good shooter requires many hours of practice. Steph Curry, who is one of the greatest shooters on the planet, makes 500 shots per day in the summer and makes 200 to 350 shots per day during the season!
Drill Instruction
- Start within shooting range.
- Prepare to shoot – Hold the ball low with your shooting elbow tucked into your side.
- Jump straight up! Get some height as you are about to shoot.
- While jumping, lift your shooting elbow and when you are at your highest point, shoot the ball.
- On finishing, follow your shot through by reaching for the sky. Lock the elbow, roll the wrist and your shooting hand needs to point in the same direction where you want the ball to go i.e. the basket
- Your arm should lock in at a position of 1 o’clock i.e. not straight vertically aligned above your head but slightly vertically forward.
Coaching Messages
- Shoot within range.
- To be a great shooter, you must repeat the correct shooting form and be comfortable with your shooting action so it become automatic.
- You can add a jump shot off the dribble by making the last dribble hard and high to help you move directly into your shot.
- Practice, Practice, Practice – you can never practice your shooting enough
- Be a Shooter and Be Awesome!
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