Video Credits: Coach Girls, Instagram: @Coach.Girls, Facebook: @CoachGirlsBasketball, TikTok: @Coach.Girls, Website:
Coaching Objective
Skill Level: Intermediate, Skill Development: Handles, Footwork & Fitness. Develop your ball control through repetition. This a handle drill which will also help you develop your footwork by using a jump cross step and will also help you improve your fitness. Handles are a form of exercise which stimulates your body to release ‘feel good’ hormones, or endorphins. These natural mood lifters will keep stress at bay and improve your mindfulness.
Drill Instruction
- Start this drill by holding the ball with your right hand and your feet just wider than shoulder length apart.
- In one motion, cross the ball through your legs and perform a jump cross step by moving your left foot forward and your right foot back.
- Control the ball with your left hand behind your body.
- In the same motion; Bring the ball around to the front of you, cross the ball through your legs and perform a jump cross step by moving your right foot forward and left foot back.
- Control the ball with your right hand behind your body.
- Repeat Steps above 2, 3, 4, 5.
Coaching Messages
- Try and look up and don’t watch the ball.
- Use this drill to help improve your fitness. Do as many reps as you can in a short amount of time.
- Challenge Yourself: complete the drill quickly without losing control.
- Practicing your handles will improve your ball control and help you keep the ball away from defenders, Be Awesome!
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