Drill: Gaya’s Tennis Ball Handle Challenge

Video Credits: The athlete in this video is the awesome Gaya Elya. Follow Gaya on Instagram: @Gayabball3

Coaching Objective

Skill Level: Advanced, Skill Development: Handles. Basketball and Tennis Ball drills are challenging and fun at the same time. The goal of these drills is to take all of your focus off dribbling the basketball and put it on tossing and catching the tennis ball. There are many benefits athletes can gain by using a basketball and tennis ball in the same handle drill. They help a ball handler become more comfortable with their handles (without the tennis ball) in a game when there are defenders on them. If you can make a move and toss/catch a tennis ball at the same time then you will have no problem making the same move in a game. Tennis ball drills also improve hand-eye coordination and force the ball handler to dribble a basketball without looking down.

Drill Instruction

  1. Start this drill with a basketball in your right hand and a tennis ball in your left hand.
  2. Place your feet wider than shoulder length apart, stay low with your knees bent to ensure you can maintain your balance.
  3. Bounce the basketball once with your right hand.
  4. At the same time bounce the ball a second time with your right hand and bounce the tennis ball in the front centre of you with your left hand.
  5. Quickly cross the ball through your legs from your right hand to your left hand and tap the ball up high with your right hand back over towards your left side.
  6. Bring the ball around to the front of your left leg with your left hand.
  7. Cross the ball through your legs from your left hand to your right hand.
  8. At the same time, bring the ball around to the front of your right leg with your right hand and catch the tennis ball with your left hand.
  9. Repeat steps 3,4,5,6,7 & 8.

Coaching Messages

  1. If you struggle to dribble a basketball with your eyes up, then this basketball dribbling drill with help you.
  2. Timing is everything in this drill. Start the drill by completing steps 3, 4 & 5 only. Master these 3 steps and then add one more step at a time.
  3. Keep trying, have fun and don’t give up…..Be Awesome!

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