Drill: Crossover Wall Touch Handle

Video Credits: The athlete in this video is the awesome Sienna. Follow Sienna on Instagram: @Sienna.Sports

Coaching Objective

Skill Level: Intermediate, Skill Development: Handles. This drill is an excellent warm up drill to be done as part of your practice. It is a fun drill to challenge young players. It will help develop your hand and eye co-ordination teaching your hands and brain to do 2 things at once; 1. cross the ball & 2. touch the wall. You will have mastered this drill when you can continue to beat your previous number of wall touches in 30 or 60 seconds.

Drill Instruction

  1. Face a solid wall within touching distance from it.
  2. Get down low and start with the ball in your right hand and left hand touching the wall.
  3. Cross the ball over in front of you to your left hand, control the ball with your left hand and touch the wall with your right hand.
  4. Cross the ball over in front of you from left to right and touch the wall with your left hand.
  5. Cross the ball over in front of you from right to left and touch the wall with your right hand.
  6. Repeat steps 4 and 5.

Coaching Messages

  1. CHALLENGE YOURSELF: Try and complete as many wall touches as possible in 30 or 60 seconds.
  2. Keep improving your wall touches and Be Awesome!

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